Friday 20 May 2011

Inclusive Classroom Exhibit

As I was browsing the Internet this morning, I came across a photo album which contained pictures of an inclusive classroom exhibit.  Boise State's Department of Early Childhood Education and the Albertsons Library worked together to create an inclusive classroom exhibit that showcased inclusive children's literature in order to celebrate the National Association for the Education of Young Children's Week of the Young Child.  This event happens every year in April.  I thought this was such a great idea in order to promote inclusive literature.  The photos really inspired me to want to hold my own inclusive literature exhibit!  I have displayed some of the photos using the online tool called Popplet.  Check it out below!

Click the 'play' button on the Popplet below to see photos from Boise State's Department of Early Childhood Education and the Albertsons Library's inclusive classroom exhibit: