Monday 6 June 2011


As this blog spot was created for a current graduate course that I am taking, Issues in Digital Technology in Education, you will find that I will be experimenting with various online tools that I have never tried using before.  In my previous post, I used Popplet to display photos and ideas, and in this post, I would like to share my creation I put together using Wordle.  I have taken many of the key words that I have used in my blogs so far, and I have created a "word cloud."  I thought this word cloud would be a great way to show new readers some of the key ideas I have been talking about in my blogs thus far.  It's a really neat tool, and I think students would have fun creating word clouds either about themselves or other topics.  You should try it out!  

Using Wordle to create a word cloud depicting keywords 
that I have discussed in my blogs thus far:    

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